Plastic Free July – The global month of action to end plastic waste

6 July, 20230

Plastic pollution has become serious pollution, affecting all types of animals, plants, and humans. Fortunately, people have awareness of this problem and take action to solve it.
Many of us can see plastic pollution caused by everyday items we use and decided to change our habits ourselves. Millions of people all over the world have refused to use single-use plastic products like plastic cutlery, and plastic bags at home, at work, at supermarkets and other ways to reduce their impact on the environment.When the size of the community including people who care about the environment and want to reduce plastic pollution grows, some individuals create Facebook groups with the challenge Plastic Free July – the month for people all over the world to take action to end plastic pollution.
Each July, the local community will host an event like Plastic Free Morning Teas, libraries will host workshops and schools will have a waste-free lunch.
This July, Plastic Free July celebrates activities across the world, from Washington D.C to Delhi, Perth to Portugal marking the month of global action on reducing plastic waste.
• In the USA, Senators Whitehouse and Merkley declared July to be “Plastic Pollution Action Month” to draw attention to how urgent it is to confront the threat that the plastic pollution crisis poses to our health and the environment.
• The government of India announced a ban on 19 single-use or disposable plastic items that they determined to be not particularly valuable but had a high likelihood of ending up in waste.
• The ban on lightweight plastic bags was strengthened in Western Australia. The ban applies to all plastic shopping bags with handles, disposable plastic cutlery, …
• ‘BYO Containers Bill’ was enacted in South Australia, making it simpler for merchants to permit consumers to use their own reusable containers to take food home.
Plastic Free July is evidence that individual efforts to decrease plastic pollution are not a drop in the ocean but rather a ripple that builds into a wave and can help turn the tide. We change our daily behavior and congratulate the governments and brands that are responding by acting.


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